"my my"

my life is catatonic
i'm as numb as the song says i am
but not comfortable

my sex life is capricious
like watching two jellyfish collide
in a tank of water

my job lacks catharsis
i want to change the world not
service the mundane

my emotions are cacophonic
like a pile-up on the freeway
that only interferes

my philosophy is callous
i despise everyone and everything
myself most of all

1 comment:

  1. i read this when i was by last and it has stayed with me - indelibly - the stuff of good writing. i say good as though i am perhaps russian, and have just learned the word good, but being of a different language, it means so much more.

    you are intriguing.

    oh, and i just read, you are a boy. ha! when i read you the last time i was through, i was convinced you were a woman. i'm not sure where i brought that from. from some pitiable pouch, i'm sure.

    (and - i bring with me this time, great thanks for your seeing me, even after i was gone.)

